#19: Yoga Is Mental Health with Dr Anuranjan Bist
Meet DR ANURANJAN BIST, who, in his quest to help people find health and happiness pursued a traditional medical training, moved from India to set up a practice in the US. A surprising turn of events lead him back to the Himalayas where he was born, to discover that ‘we are the medicine’ and ‘yoga is mental health’.
Listen Now#18: Find Your Flow with Derek Tate
Meet DEREK TATE, who will reveal the key factors to finding your flow on the ski slopes, at work and in your life. As a trainer of ski instructors and novices alike; Derek is on a mission ‘to help as many people as possible experience the health and wellbeing benefits of sport and mountain life whatever your level of participation and involvement’.
Listen Now#17: Coming Back to Our Senses with Nicole Schwab
Meet NICOLE SCHWAB, who will reveal how our health and the health of our planet are inextricably linked, and what we can do to look after both. The founding director of the forum of young global leaders, Nicole is actively involved in creating a ‘restoration generation’.
Listen Now#16: Ten Good Reasons to Go for a Walk with Thierry & Mary Anne Malleret
Meet Thierry & Mary Anne Malleret, who reveal the life-changing benefits of moving, and in particular walking out in nature. Not only is walking good for our bodies, it stimulates our brains, gives us access to our creative and strategic minds, and helps us to make good decisions. Compelling evidence from leading institutions such as Harvard and Stanford University and The Wellness Institute support movement as not just being important, but essential for us to be able to enjoy physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Listen Now#15: Becoming MovementWise with Tania Cotton
Meet Tania Cotton, who reveals how she has helped individuals, including elite athletes, overcome health and performance challenges to do things in their lives they had believed impossible. As a movement specialist, MovementWise film producer and LifeWise Podcast host, Tania shares the secrets to unlocking your potential to live life, love life and perform at your best. Tania wants everyone to know that most pain, injury and disease is completely avoidable and that becoming MovementWise is the gateway to opening up a life of active opportunities.
Listen Now#14: Pain Is Not Part of Your Job Description with Guy Evans
Meet GUY EVANS, a sedentary ‘office worker’ (trade lawyer), world champion triathlete and a family man with 2 sons who understands the importance not only of a work-life balance, but also of keeping your whole body in balance. Learning to move efficiently has not only enabled him to perform at his best, moving regularly also enables him to access his creative and strategic mind. Guy wants everyone to know that pain is not part of their job description or a natural part of aging; and that we can all benefit from becoming MovementWise.
Listen Now#13: Our Health and the Health of Our Planet with Nicole Schwab
Meet NICOLE SCHWAB, who will reveal how our health and the health of our planet are inextricably linked, and what we can do to look after both. The founding director of the forum of young global leaders, Nicole is actively involved in creating a ‘restoration generation’.
Listen Now#12: Getting Out of Your Own Way with Sunita Sehmi
Meet SUNITA SEHMI who, from a rich and diverse background, runs workshops on inclusivity and diversity. Working with organisations such as The Gavi Alliance, McKinsey and Facebook, Sunita supports senior executives to enhance their personal effectiveness enabling them to foster greater leadership and collaborative behaviours. Sunita challenges people’s perception of what they and other people are capable of, and helps them ‘get out of their own way’ to unlock human potential.
Listen Now#11: Building Winning Teams with Vera Pauw & Bert Van Lingen
Meet inspirational football coaches VERA PAUW and BERT VAN LINGEN – 2 professional sports coaches who have revolutionized the game of football, and sports coaching. Individually they are both extraordinary. As a team they are unstoppable. They reveal the secret to setting yourself up for success in sport and in life.
Listen Now#10: Having the Guts to Fail with Vera Pauw
Meet inspirational football coach VERA PAUW - a woman who has been honoured by the International Olympic Committee for her contribution to creating equal opportunities for women in sport. Vera reveals how, by handing over ownership and responsibility to players, she enables players to step outside their comfort zone to discover that failure is part of success, and that through sport they can learn not just skills for sport but also skills for life. Vera Pauw is an outstanding example of how ‘a good coach can change a game and a great coach can change a life.’ ~John Wooden.
Listen Now#9: The Inside Game with Cindy Burwell
Meet CINDY BURWELL, the founder of ‘The Inside Game’ coaching network. Inspired by John Wooden’s saying ‘A good coach can change a game and a great coach can change a life’, Cindy promotes the power of play and the positive impact good coaching can have on each of us as individuals and on society as a whole. She brings together world-renowned coaches to support each other to inspire each other not just to change the game, but to change lives.
Listen Now#8: Self-Awareness and The Art of Listening with Mark Milton
Meet a man who really knows how to listen - MARK MILTON. At the beginning of his professional journey, Mark volunteered to man a suicide prevention hotline offering emotional support. He went on to become the Chairman of the International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services, IFOTES, which has 347 centres in 25 countries. Through his Foundation, Education 4 Peace, he offers groundbreaking expertise to national and international sports federations and has worked with UEFA to develop an educational platform to reduce violence in sport.
Listen Now#7: Feel Alive with Louise Ansell
Louise Ansell, a woman who is passionate about helping people thrive under pressure and perform at their best, reveals how we can overcome the global pandemic of people who are alive yet not living. She shares both her personal and professional experience in enabling people to live life, love life by sharing the golden keys that unlock human potential.
Listen Now#6: Minimising Stress & Maximising Performance with Louise Ansell
Meet mental health and wellbeing expert Louise Ansell, a woman who is passionate about helping people thrive under pressure and perform at their best. Louise shares her personal story of how unexpectedly she lost her identity and did not know which way to turn. Her personal and professional experience has enabled her to help those who live in stressful environments, or chose to push the limits. She provides strategies that enable people to live life, love life, and lead their lives with meaning, purpose, and direction.
Listen Now#5 (French Version): Sport and Resilience with Boris Cyrulnik & Mark Milton
[French Version] Meet Boris Cyrulnik and Mark Milton, two of the world's most experienced experts on adversity and resilience. Boris Cyrulnik is known as ‘The Pope of Resilience’ for bringing this word to our attention. They reveal why sport can provide us with such powerful opportunities to learn how to overcome adversity and the importance of having role models throughout our lives.
Listen Now#5: Sport and Resilience with Boris Cyrulnik & Mark Milton
[English Version] Meet Boris Cyrulnik and Mark Milton, two of the world's most experienced experts on adversity and resilience. Boris Cyrulnik is known as ‘The Pope of Resilience’ for bringing this word to our attention. They reveal why sport can provide us with such powerful opportunities to learn how to overcome adversity and the importance of having role models throughout our lives.
Listen Now#4: Following a Passion with Keith Partridge
Meet Keith Partridge, an EMMY Award-winning adventure Film Maker, whose desire to follow his passion has taken him and his camera to the top of Mount Everest and into unexplored caves, with some of the world’s greatest climbers, explorers and scientists. He has witnessed people working in the harshest of conditions in the most remote corners of the world and discovered how connecting with nature can be the key to human survival.
Listen Now#3: Creating the World You Want to Live In with Dorinda Phillips
Behavioural change expert Dorinda Phillips reveals how small changes in the way we live can have a big impact on our environment, and our survival as human race – both of which are inextricably linked.
Listen Now#2: Living the Life You Want to Lead with Dorinda Phillips
Meet behavioural change expert DORINDA PHILLIPS who is passionate about helping people live the life they want to lead and creating the world they want to live in. With special expertise in developing the most powerful skill of them all – learning how to learn – Dorinda reveals the life skills that she believes are critical to each of us thriving as individuals and as a society.
Listen Now#1: Redefining Success with Jonathan Cave
Meet inspirational performance coach JONATHAN CAVE - a man who had it all yet felt empty inside. He shares his extraordinary journey of walking away from a very ‘successful’ career to transforming his life and helping people bridge their ‘Happiness Gap’. He reveals how, by discovering who we truly are and learning how to bring out the ‘extraordinary’ in ourselves and others, we are able to lead lives of purpose, impact and fulfillment.
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