Dr. Boris Gojanovic
Dr Boris Gojanovic is an expert in
- Sports medicine
- Active Lifestyle Management
- Successful Aging
Dr. Boris Gojanovic, Health & Performance Medical Director at The Swiss Olympic Medical Centre, Hôpital de la Tour, Geneva, is a modern, progressive, lateral thinking doctor. He has the ability to look at health, performance and lifestyle management from a patient’s point of view and make it relevant to their functional needs and personal goals. As a creative individual he is constantly thinking ‘outside the box’ for ways in which he can help patients improve the quality of their lives.
Participating regularly in sporting events – Boris can be seen actively encouraging and pacing less confident runners, cyclists, triathletes reach the finish line with the motivation to come back for more!
Actively involved in research and education Boris trains students in different aspects of ‘sports management’ at Masters level and regularly presents at conferences around the world.
MovementWise Films
Dr. Boris Gojanovic features in the following films:
Kate’s Story – ‘Turning a Threat into an Opportunity’
Dave’s Story – ‘Downward Spiral’
Key Quotes
‘Medicine has learnt how to add years to life – it is time that we understood that the real important thing is to add some life into these years’
‘It is always go – go – go , never stop, even when we go we have just one speed – FULL SPEED! Life is about variation, is about ebb and flow, and we should really try to apply that to the working environment as well.
As interdisciplinary teams of health care professionals… ‘we have a peloton that needs to work together – people who all have their own specialty, who will work together to bring everyone to the finish line’
Close Up and Personal
Tania Cotton met up with Dr. Boris Gojanovic, Performance Director at the Swiss Olympic Medical Centre, Hôpital de la Tour, and asked him about his life in Sports Medicine. Watch Dr. Lucio Bizzini’s full interview here (or select a topic to view below).
Download the Audio Podcast (mp3)
Q: What attracted you to Sports Medicine? https://vimeo.com/228235601 (1’55”)
Q: What is it about sport that drives you? The movement? The skill mastery? The raw release of energy and endorphins? The competition? https://vimeo.com/228235980 (1’34”)
Q: How important is it to give children good lifestyle habits from an early age? https://vimeo.com/228236276 (1’34”)
Q: How important is it for children to be exposed to different types of activities? https://vimeo.com/228236571 (1’51”)
Q: Children develop both physically and mentally a different rates – how can we accommodate this? https://vimeo.com/228236938 (1’22”)
Q: Is there an age limit on when people can learn to move better and perform new activities? https://vimeo.com/228237224 (1’26”)
Q: Describe your professional journey within Sports Medicine. https://vimeo.com/228237537 (3’57”)
Q: What can non-athletes learn from athletes? https://vimeo.com/228238351 (1’51”)
Q: Is Sports Medicine a science or an art? https://vimeo.com/228238798 (2’21”)
Q: What does ‘Health’ and ‘Human Performance’ mean to you? https://vimeo.com/228239324 (1’52”)
Q: How do you keep a work-life balance? https://vimeo.com/228337495 (3’38”)
Q: How do you encourage those who are new to sport, and encourage them to push their limits? https://vimeo.com/228337859 (0’56”)
Doctor Boris Gojanovic is the Health & Performance Medical Director at
The Swiss Olympic Medical Centre, Hôpital de la Tour, Geneva. His many roles include care of elite athletes, education in sports science and sports medicine, research and development activities. He is a leading lecturer on the AISTS Masters Course of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology.
A native of Lausanne, he studied medicine at the UNIL, specialized in Internal Medicine before pursuing his passion in the field of Sports Medicine, which lead him to Stanford University’s Sports Medicine Center (California, USA) for 18 months, where he learned from the experts and Stanford’s high performance/achievement environment. His ever-growing experience in sports and medicine aims to serve athletes in their pursuit of greatness and success, and also non-athletic people on their way to a better active health through movement and exercise.
Doctor Gojanovic is an accomplished athlete as a former elite basketball player with the Swiss national team, and has enjoyed and learned from training and participation in marathon running and Ironman triathlon racing. He has a family with 2 small boys.
Useful Website
Dr Boris Gojanovic’s website is www.drsportsante.com