Clay Erro
Clay Erro is an expert in:
- Physical Education
- Sports Coaching
- Athletic Development
Clay Erro attributes his 35 years of success as an educator and coach to 2 simple concepts:
- “We Not Me”
- “Through the character of the individual comes the success of the group”.
Clay believes: ‘The greatest joys in life come from cooperative endeavors. For an athletic team, this means creating a culture and philosophy by developing and nurturing relationships. We are naive if we assume that an autocratic approach will create a lasting legacy i.e. coaching through compliance.’
The focus of Clays approach is coaching with compassion. Clay questions common practice and popular beliefs and highlights a mental approach over the physical, prioritizes relationships over rules, focuses on the process not the outcome, and demonstrates how this can be part of our daily practice, for success not just in sport but in life.
MovementWise Films
We are looking to include Clay Erro in our forthcoming documentary on ‘The Power of Play.’
The Inside Game 2017 – Clay Erro Keynote Speaker
The Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland
Key Quotes
‘We are in the people business’
‘Relationships over rules’
‘The mind is the key, not the body’
‘You don’t know what you don’t know – are you in an open or closed learning circle?’
Close up and Personal
Tania Cotton met up with Clay Erro, an expert in physical education, at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne Switzerland for the ‘Inside Game’ conference where he was presenting.
We get the inside story of Clay with contributions from Jimmy Radcliffe ‘Coach Rad’ role model at school. Hear about their inspirational professional journey and how being training partners has nurtured a lifelong friendship here (or select a topic to view below).
Download the Audio Podcast (mp3)
MovementWise Interview
Q: You have been role models for each other – how important is it for us all to have role models? (4’17”)
Q: Jimmy, please describe how Clay inspires children to engage in sport? (3’09”)
Q: How can coaches overcome the challenge of technology taking children away from sport and away from movement? (1’23”)
Clay Erro has served in many capacities at a California High School District that has an enrollment of 5,000 students, grades 9-12. He attained the status of ‘Distinguished Educator’, served as the District Chair for Physical Education, designed, developed and taught the first ever coaches course for the 120 coaches employed by the district. He is a past recipient of the State of California “Model Coach of the Year” award for “being a positive role model in his school and community and exhibiting the traits and principals of pursuing victory with honor”. He is a member of the teaching cadre for the G.A.I.N. Conference held annually at Rice University, as well as a co-founder of the Northern California Retired Coaches Association, a non-profit that raises funds for student-athlete scholarships. Clay continues to share his ideas and speaks with coaches, athletes and organizations throughout the country.
He was a Keynote Speaker at The Inside Game conference at the Olympic Museum on 26/27 January 2017 with MovementWise, sharing his expertise and experience on:
Team Building – A Different Approach
Clay highlighted the wisdom behind the words:
- We not Me
- No Excuses
- No Messengers
- No Sympathy Groups
Useful Websites
The GAIN Network: