Join us around the fireside and listen to stories from those who have been on MovementWise Journeys and discover how you can overcome pain, injury and disease to do things in your life you may currently believe impossible.
From not being able to walk more than 15’ on the flat, Nicole has gone on to climb mountains in winter conditions with skins on her skis – climbing the Briethorn (4164m) and skiing over challenging off-piste glaciated terrain to the valley floor in Zermatt (1600m) – a descent of over 2550m! Nicole and her dog Laya now enjoy exploring the mountains together.
Nicole Schwab understands that our health and the health of our planet are inextricably linked. She is the founding director of the forum of young global leaders which she now chairs as part of her continued engagement to re-establish our balance with nature. You can listen to her LifeWise podcast episode here.
Experiencing new symmetry and balance in her body is transforming Vanessa’s life. Armed with a new understanding of her own body, Vanessa has become passionate about enabling others to reconnect with their bodies, with themselves and to preventing pain and optimize their performance at work and in life.
Head of Learning and Development at the Human Resources Division of a leading world organization, Vanessa Bocquet has organised MovementWise presentations and a webinar for employees who now have access to foundational RISE AND SHINE online movement sessions that expose people to the fundamentals of good posture and movement.
Eric Boquet is an athlete in sport and in his professional corporate life. With his newfound form Eric regularly runs with his daughter, Millie, also an athlete and an avid animal lover! His MovementWise experience prompted him to get specialist advice on his shoulders. He has now regained full range of movement in both shoulders after years of pain and limitation. He wants everyone to know that knowledge is power, but knowing is not doing, and when you have the courage to do things differently you can feel 10 years younger!
Mairi has lost 2 stone since beginning her MovementWise Journey and was able to ski confidently with her family the first winter after her final operation. This year Mairi completed the Tour du Mont Blanc, a unique long-distance hike around the Mont Blanc Massif, with an old school friend. Together they walked 170km ascending and descending Swiss, French and Italian mountains, staying in high altitude mountain refuge huts and carrying everything they needed in rucksacks on their backs.
Pain-free and feeling stronger each day, Mairi Watson has founded Les Jolis Dames – walking and yoga experiences for women. You can get personal insight to Mairi’s MovementWise Journey from her Blog.