Our Association

Our Association

MovementWise is a not-for-profit association that works in close collaboration with other leading experts and organisations who share our Mission to help people learn life skills and adopt lifestyles that promote good health and optimal performance.

We thank the following organisations for their collaboration:

MovementWise Productions has worked in close collaboration with the Education 4 Peace Foundation, a Swiss non-profit foundation specialising in supporting emotional health programs in schools and the world of sport.

We at MovementWise believe that self-awareness is at the heart of our ability to understand the relationship between our emotional health and our physical wellbeing.  We promote attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that influence how we move, how we behave, how we communicate and how we perform.  We want people to live healthy, happy and fully engaged lives.

ESCA CancerSupportPeaceful Media

MovementWise - Empowering You to LIVE Your Best Life